Teeth of the Constitution

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

The Second Amendment is arguably the most important: it is the "teeth" of our Constitution.

As Thomas Jefferson said, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin, United States
  • Why a Paraguayan flag?
  • Wednesday, March 16, 2005

    Democrats Clamor Against Filibuster Change...Why?

    Yesterday the Democrats deserted the Senate chamber and protested on the steps outside threatening to shut down all non-essential business in the Senate if the Republican majority changes the filibuster rules. Why is it the Democrats are so up in arms about this?

    Well, Rush Limbaugh recently had an excellent show covering this topic - one of the best of his I have heard yet. Basically, the Democrats, and in particular the liberal-left, are fighting hard to make sure that judges prone to making legislation get behind the bench as opposed to those who will solely interpret the Constitution.

    Without activist, legislation-making judges behind the bench, the left will never accomplish what they want.

    Take abortion: if put to a vote, it is highly likely that it would be outlawed across the country. The same thing is true with same-sex marriage; 11 States passed constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage in the last election. The closest vote was in Oregon at 57-43% - an easy majority. The juvenile death penalty is another ruling that truly shows the nature of activist judges. This however is in the US Constitution, but as an accepted and constitutional form of punishment. In one fell swoop, the Court changed our Constitution. Isn't that supposed to be up to us to do?

    As Justice Scalia, criticizing the Supreme Court’s recent decision on the juvenile death penalty said

    "Unelected judges have no place deciding issues such as abortion and the death penalty. The court's 5-4 ruling on the first of March to outlaw the juvenile death penalty based on 'evolving notions of decency' was simply a mask for the personal policy preferences of the five-member majority."

    That pretty much says it all in a nutshell. The Democrats, with the liberal left leading the charge, have to get their own people on the bench. Heaven forbid we get people who actually interpret the Constitution.


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